Advertising Policy
At the discretion of the Board of Directors, UPA may place advertising for member-owned and operated services or businesses in its newsletter no more than two (2) times per member per fiscal year (January 1- December 31) free of charge to the member. Such advertising cannot exceed a quarter page in size and must be requested at least thirty (30) days prior to the release of the newsletter into which the advertising is to be placed.
Regular rate: UPA may place advertising for vendors not affiliated with UPA or its members in its newsletters at a charge of $35 per quarter page of space and $50 per half page of space per newsletter into which the advertising is placed. All such advertising shall be memorialized by an agreement signed by an authorized person on behalf of the vendor and by the signature of a member of UPA designated by the Board of Directors, the ad having been approved based on a majority vote of the UPA Board of Directors.
Advertising of positions for paralegal or other law-related employment shall be complimentary to the advertiser as part of the UPA Job Bank. Sustaining Member Rate: Sustaining members of UPA shall be entitled to place three (3) quarter-page ads during one fiscal year (January 1 - December 31). Ads should be requested at least thirty (30) days prior to the release of the newsletter into which the advertising is to be placed. Size of ads is restricted to one-half page, which may be approved for an additional $15 per ad, per issue. Ads beyond the three (3) per fiscal year may be placed at the regular rate.