utah paralegal association
Welcome to the web page of Utah Paralegal Association (UPA). UPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing further education, establishing standards of professional and ethical conduct, and aiding in the advancement of employment opportunities for paralegals in the State of Utah. UPA has pursued this mission since 1981 when it was founded as Legal Assistants Association of Utah (LAAU). To better serve its members and mission UPA became Utah's first and to date only affiliate to NALA, the National Association of Legal Assistants/Paralegals, in 1984.
On this page you may learn more about UPA, NALA, upcoming events, continuing legal education, as well as find contact information for UPA officers. Use the links on the left side of the page to navigate.
We do not give legal advice. If you have a question of a legal nature, please contact an attorney.
Should you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to report them by e-mailing UPACommunications@gmail.com.